Tomohisa Shimasaki, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences, Hokkaido University
Researchmap: https://researchmap.jp/tshimasaki
curriculum vitae
Department of Engineering
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Graduate School of Agriculture
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Graduate School of Agriculture
Kyoto University
(Kazufumi Yazaki and Akifumi Sugiyama’s group)
Funded by the Japanese Society for the Promotin of Science (JSPS)
Graduate School of Agriculture
Kyoto University
(Kazufumi Yazaki and Akifumi Sugiyama’s group)
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH)
Kyoto University
(Kazufumi Yazaki and Akifumi Sugiyama’s group)
RIKEN BioResource Research Center
(Yasunori Ichihashi’s group)
Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers
Funded by the Japanese Society for the Promotin of Science (JSPS)
Department of Plant Microbe Interactions
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
(Paul Schulze-Lefert’s group)
Funded by the Japanese Society for the Promotin of Science (JSPS)
Department of Plant Microbe Interactions
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research
(Paul Schulze-Lefert’s group)
Department of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
Aoki N.*, Shimasaki T.*, Yazaki W., Sato T., Nakayasu M., Ando A., Kishino S., Ogawa J., Masuda S., Shibata A., Shirasu K., Yazaki K., Sugiyama A. “An isoflavone catabolism gene cluster underlying interkingdom interactions in the soybean rhizosphere” ISME Communications, 4:1 ycae052 (2024)
*These authors contributed equally
島﨑智久, “植物と微生物をつなぐ化学コミュニケーション” バイオミディア (2022) https://doi.org/10.34565/seibutsukogaku.100.4_188
Yazaki, W.*, Shimasaki, T.*, Aoki, Y., Masuda, S., Shibata A., Suda, W., Shirasu K., Yazaki K. and Sugiyama, A. “Nitrogen deficiency-induced bacterial community shifts in soybean roots” Microbes and Environments, 36, 3 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1128/mbio.00846-21
*These authors contributed equally
Shimasaki, T., Masuda, S., Garrido-Oter, R., Kawasaki, T, Aoki, Y., Shibata A., Suda, W., Shirasu K., Yazaki K., Nakano, RT. and Sugiyama, A. “Tobacco root endophytic Arthrobacter harbors genomic features enabling the catabolism of host-specific plant specialized metabolites” mBio, e0084621 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1264/jsme2.me21004
Shimasaki, T*., Yoshida, H.*, Kamitori, S. and Sode, K. “X-ray structures of fructosyl peptide oxidases revealing residues responsible for gating oxygen access in the oxidative half reaction” Scientific Reports, 7, 2790 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-02657-5
*These authors contributed equally