Prof. Dr. Takeshi Obayashi visited us!


Special seminarでは共発現解析の未来について、またsingle-cell RNAseqデータとどう付き合うべきか、というような話で大変ディスカッションが盛り上がりました。中野自身も共発現解析をずっとやってきましたが(Nakano et al., 2017など)、改めてその背後のアルゴリズムの理解を深めました。また、セミナー前には色々とディスカッションをして、新しい解析の方向性なども見つかってきて、大変有意義な時間を過ごすことができました。


Prof. Dr. Takeshi Obyashi at Tohoku University visited us from Zürich, where he has been spending his collaborative stay since last October 2022!

During his special seminar, we discussed about the future of co-expression analysis and how we should integrate the data from single-cell RNAseq experiments. We have been working on co-expression analysis for a while (e.g. Nakano et al., 2017), but his talk allowed us to get deeper into the algorithm behind it. We also had a chance to discuss with some more details about our ongoing projects, which gave us some hints into a new direction of research to further dissect plant response to the root-assocaited microbiota.

It was such a fruitful and productive time, and thanks a lot again for visiting us, Takeshi!

Jan 20, 2023, with Miki and Takeshi Obayashi